Skin Care Haul

Hi Gals,

Few days before I went to nearest Beauty Shop to pick up some Skin care products as my face wash and scrub was getting over in couple of days.

I had planned to continue with my Biotique Pineapple Face Wash and Biotique Papaya Scrub but then unfortunately I couldn’t get them in Beauty Shop.. So I browsed Khadi brand as it was in my mind from long back… Khadi have all ayurvedic products which are very gentle to skin. Beauty Shop have very limited stock of all Khadi products but luckily I got face wash and scrub.. I bought both Khadi Face Wash and Scrub as I have read very good reviews about the Khadi brand and anyways mine was getting over..

Opposite to that there was Boots counter so I browsed their products also… They have so many products from Boots.. After so much of surfing I ended in buying Boots Facial Scrub and Boots Eye Makeup remover.. I got attracted to eye makeup remover coz its of Cucumber.

Here is the pic of my tiny miny skin care haul:


From L to R: Boots Oil Control Scrub Cleanser, Boots Eye Makeup Remover Gel, Khadi Facial Cleanser with Tea Tree and Neem, Khadi Facial Fruit Exfoliating Scrub.

I am giant sucker of all the cosmetics or skin care products which says “OIL CONTROL” or “SHINE CONTROL” coz I have very Oily skin…

I have used all the products till now and I am proud to myself coz all the products are very nice.. I am satisfied…

Review will come very soooooon…

Lots of love,

Amee 🙂